No matter the method of your contribution; donation, sponsorship or volunteerism your gift is appreciated. Your generous and thoughtful giving serves the Activity Center and secures the future of the programs we provide.

​​Our services are partially funded by The St. Louis Area Agency on Aging, Missouri Foundation for Health, St. Louis Philanthropic Organization, Fundraisers, Donations, Members and Supporters.


​​​St. Louis Activity Center

With our joint efforts we can make the Community a better place for our Seniors

Volunteer: We need volunteers for Bingo(PLEASE HELP US WITH BINGO!!!!!!!), Exercise Programs, help in the kitchen (You must have Hep A shots) and many other activities.

Tax-Deductible Contributions:If you would like to make a tax deductible contribution, please make checks payable to: St. Louis Activity Center.

Long Term Financial Support:  Please consider leaving a gift to the Activity Center in your will.  

Memorial Gift: A Memorial Gift to the Center is a way to honor the memory of a friend or relative while providing opportunities for others.